Growth consulting

Transition your practice from average to extraordinary

Understand your PAtients With...

Patient Pulse

Ever wondered what your patients thought about your practice? What they love? What they hate? At
Trusted Practice Transitions we know in a world of online reviews and social media that patients have
more ability to help or hurt your practice than ever before. In our patient pulse program we contact
your patient base with short surveys that unearth how you can provide a more impactful experience for
your patients.

Ensure a healthy practice with...

Practice Pulse

The heartbeat of financial success is knowing and understanding what numbers in your practice matter
and how to change them. Many dentists feel like they are drowning in debt and overhead. With our free
Practice Pulse consult we can explore the “business” side of your practice and provide you insight on
where to focus and how to transition from drowning to thriving.

MAximize profitability with...

Fee Review

Do you know where your fee’s compare to those around you. Finding the “sweet spot” for your fees is critical. With our free fee analysis we take your current fees and procedure mix and optimize them for profitability and maximum insurance reimbursement.

fire on all cylinders with...

Team Motivation & Compensation

To Bonus or not to bonus… That is the question. Team motivation and pay structure is paramount to
having a practice that fires on “all cylinders” after many years of training and transitioning dental
practices we can share with you standards for pay in your area and answer the age old question… Bonus
or not to Bonus.

For all other inquiries

we are here to help you grow.
get started below.

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